Be in to win a free hot drink every day during exam period!
We'll be offering EcoGo participants the chance to win a free hot drink by keeping active from 24 April - 27 May.
Every day you do 20 minutes of activity around campus, you'll earn an entry into the prize draw to win a medium hot drink from Eat Central, The Dhaba or Doctor's Orders.
Staying inside all day to revise might feel productive, but it is really important to spend time away from your desk and get outside.
Going for a walk, run or cycle helps supply oxygen to the brain and release tension, helping you to keep calm and study more effectively.
So why not try a walk to the shops or a jog around a local park to break up your studies, clear your head, and return refreshed? Even on the day of an exam, could you get there actively instead of taking the car, so you arrive relaxed and feeling focused?